Forest Breeze Conservation was dreamt up in 2018 by Founding Executive Director, Grace Williams. With a career starting in management of elephants in human care, and a passion for travel, several experiences and relationships along the way influenced a developing passion for conservation.
Nothing can compare to the fullness one feels in their soul from a hands on relationship with an elephant, but when Grace felt the impact of that relationship, she decided that she had to try to do more for their wild counterparts.
It was then, in 2018, that Grace called a former boss, Patrick Flora (now board President), and asked for his support and involvement. His encouragement and introduction to other elephant professionals has led us to where we are.
Through these connections, FBC has partnered with Gabonese Forest Elephant Researcher, Dr. Steeve Ngama. In May of 2021, Grace visited Gabon through the hospitality of Dr. Ngama to view potential sites and begin the process of connecting and partnering with governmental agencies, other internationally known nonprofits, and local farmers. These relationships will continue to grow and evolve as a critical piece of how Forest Breeze will move forward with hopes to impact the people and wildlife of Gabon.
This idea for Forest Breeze started as an elephant orphanage to rehabilitate orphaned baby elephants after learning about and visiting Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya, but through time, connection, and gathering of information, it has morphed into a more comprehensive approach to conservation including education, research, sustainable & organic farming education, and human-elephant conflict mitigation.
These projects will begin to unfold as we continue building relationships in Gabon and as we start to establish a field site. Follow along on our website and social media to see what we are up to! This is only the beginning and we are stronger together!